pcb layout services image showing schematic

Signal Integrity Simulation Analysis & Testing Services

Our significant investments in our Signal Integrity (SI) infrastructure has enhanced the value in each unit. With an experienced engineering staff in-house, and state-of-the-art signal integrity analysis testing services tools, our products reach the highest quality standards. Our flexible options allow us to customize each project to our client’s needs. Our board designs are subject to significant pre and post routing for signal integrity analysis, cross talk analysis, transmission line design, correct terminations, electro-magnetic interference, thermal and manufacturing requirements.

Simulation Involved Aspects

  • Pre Layout Simulation
  • Post Layout Simulation
  • In our signal integrity analysis testing services approach we address the following areas:
    • Floor Planning analysis
    • Develop constraints to be followed during routing
    • Topology Design
    • Transmission Line
    • Termination Design
    • Post Layout Verification
    • Timing
    • Net lengths
    • Cross Talk

Our Signal Integrity Simulation Analysis Tools

  • Schematic:
    • Cadence OrCAD, and Concept
    • Mentor View Draw
  • Signal Integrity Simulation
    • Cadence Specctra Quest
  • Schematic:
    • Cadence Allegro Expert
    • Cadence Specctra Autorouter
    • Mentor PADS

Our signal integrity simulation testing process is flexible for your needs. It can be as extensive as running simulation on multiple boards as a system or as simple as running simulation selectively on a few critical lines. We also identify the risk areas of the circuit which will benefit from Signal Integrity Testing (SI) during the project planning phase. With proper planning during the schematic phase, we put together all the proper models required for simulation.
